Healthy harvest: Brazilian fruit exports surge


The global urge for a healthier diet packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals has boosted Brazilian exports of fresh and healthy products. The 19% increase in turnover and the 2% increase in volume in the last semester reflect favorable weather and a diversity of ecosystems that allow fresh fruit to be grown throughout the year. […]

Healthy harvest: Brazilian fruit exports surge

The global urge for a healthier diet packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals has boosted Brazilian exports of fresh and healthy products. The 19% increase in turnover and the 2% increase in volume in the last semester reflect favorable weather and a diversity of ecosystems that allow fresh fruit to be grown throughout the year.

The Brazilian production ability is explained by extensive areas of agricultural activities that, due to technology and infrastructure, have high productivity. The secret of success is also justified by efficient irrigation systems, cold storage, and advanced logistics that ensure the quality and conservation of exported fruits.

“Brazilian producers have been looking to obtain quality and food safety certificates, which increases the reliability of our exported fruits,” says Guilherme Coelho, President of the Brazilian Association of Producers Exporters of Fruits and Derivatives (ABRAFRUTAS). “Fruit producers in the country increasingly adopt certificates such as Globalgap and others,” he continues.

The most exported fruits
Lime is at the top of the 2023 exports. Brazilian farmers have already sent 89 tons of this fruit to the international market. The growth is also explained by the recent opening of the Chilean market for Brazilian Tahiti lime.

Avocado is also a fruit that has shown a good performance this year. The fruit—regarded as a superfood for its nutritional aspects—yielded a 153% higher revenue this semester when compared to the same period last year. In terms of volume, the increase reaches 175%.

Melon, mango, grape, and apple also had a positive balance in the year’s first half. The favorable weather in this period enabled the production and quality of the fruits produced in Brazil, which provides a constant supply of fresh and seasonal fruits for international markets.

The year’s second half is expected to bring even better results for the fruit sector. The second semester is historically marked by more fruit exports, considering the harvest period of tropical fruits. The projection is that Brazilian farmers will beat the 2021 record turnover when exports reached US$ 1 billion.

In addition to traditional export markets, such as the European Union countries and the United States, Brazil has been expanding its trade to emerging markets, such as China and countries in the Middle East, where there is a growing demand for tropical fruits.