Colheita saudável: exportações brasileiras de frutas aumentam

The global urge for a healthier diet packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals has boosted Brazilian exports of fresh and healthy products. The 19% increase in turnover and the 2% increase in volume in the last semester reflect favorable weather and a diversity of ecosystems that allow fresh fruit to be grown throughout the year. […]
Avanço tecnológico na pecuária de corte brasileira: novo aplicativo da EMBRAPA aprimora testes andrológicos

Brazilian beef cattle breeding is benefiting from a new app developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), designed to improve andrological tests in bulls and optimize the assessment of bovine reproductive health, making the process more efficient. Development of the App Aiming to address the challenges of traditional andrological tests, which are often complex […]
Agricultura de Baixo Carbono: Caminhos para um Futuro Sustentável na Agricultura e Pecuária Brasileira

For at least a decade, implementing low-carbon agricultural practices in Brazil has been the basis for developing research, technical assistance, and incentive programs for increasingly sustainable, competitive, and resilient agricultural production. Established within the framework of the National Policy on Climate Change, the Sectoral Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change for Consolidating a […]
Agricultores brasileiros participam da maior feira de alimentos e bebidas do Oriente Médio

[:en]Fourteen Brazilian rural entrepreneurs embarked on a mission to the Middle East last week. The group, supported by the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), went to Dubai on a series of activities from February 20 to 24, including the participation in Gulfood, the region’s largest food and beverage fair. The mission is part […]
Aqui está tudo o que você precisa saber sobre a legislação florestal brasileira

Brazilian agriculture and livestock activities are committed to the strictest environmental legislation in the world, combined with a sustainable and robust energy transition, and the most ambitious low-carbon tropical agriculture policy. Although Brazil has very sophisticated laws to ensure forest preservation, we have gathered the main aspects of our Forest Code to make more people […]
Pecuária brasileira de baixo carbono: um panorama

[:en]Brazilian livestock has not only shaped the country’s agricultural landscape but has also played a crucial role in building national identity and the economic development of its different regions. Nelson Ananias Filho, Sustainability Coordinator of the Brazilian National Confederation of Agriculture (CNA), shared valuable insights with Brazilian Farmers about the historical path and future prospects […]
A Cidade Leão abre as portas para a Ásia

[:en]After 11 years without a trade agreement, Mercosur signed a free trade agreement (FTA) with Singapore in December. The announcement was made during the 63rd Summit of Heads of State of Mercosur, which also made Bolivia’s adhesion to the bloc official. Despite the Brazilian government’s best efforts to ensure that the main news of the […]
Vinhos naturais brasileiros impressionam na Slow Wine Fair

[:en]“Brazilian wines? But with Italian grapes?” These questions marked Valparaíso Vinhos e Vinhedos’ participation in Slow Wine, an international fair promoted by the Slow Food movement in Bologna, Italy. It was the first Brazilian winery to take part in this event focused on natural wines. During the event, stakeholders from the wine world tasted the […]
Harmonia nos Campos: Técnicas Genômicas, Agricultura Sustentável e Dinâmica Regulatória Global

By Maciel Silva and Leticia Assis Valadares Fonseca The worldwide agricultural sector is changing with the integration of New Genomic Techniques (NGT), making a substantial contribution to global food security and sustainable agricultural practices. Often associated with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), a clear distinction is crucial for a full understanding of NGT. GMOs involve […]